Nar Mobile Awarded Winners of E-learning

The local mobile operator Azerfon (brand Nar Mobile) has supported educational competition "Each student - on a computer." Distinguished 9 winners of various nominations, which received prizes, awards and received the same 24 players who have distinguished themselves in the "Electronic Education".

Stimulating the campaign organized by the Ministry of Education and Nar Mobile. The main themes of this year's contest were the "Internet - Technology in Education" and "E-learning resources in the modern school."

Earlier mobile operator assisted in the implementation of "e-education". The main objectives of such intellectual competition - encouraging the use of electronic educational resources and Internet technologies in educational processes, communication to the public of information about the field of education, definition of new methods of using the Internet for educational purposes, as well as support for teachers who actively use information technologies in the educational process .

The right to take part in this competition was provided to citizens working in organizations from the education, teachers, specializing in the professional development of teachers and students, along with their parents, just as teachers and students of higher educational institutes and doctorates. - 17D-


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