The population spends much on servicing loans

Nominal income per capita in Azerbaijan in the first half of the year amounted to 1.708.800 manats (+5.7% compared to the same period  of last year), which means to 284.8 manat per month .

According to the State Statistics Committee, real income per capita in the January-June 2013 amounted to 1.549.400 manats (also +5.7%), although last year they increased by 12.2%.

The SSC did not disclose the cost of population expenses. However, in January-May 2013, the population spent on goods and services 69.3% of its income (9 billion in total 3.8 million manat.) On payment of interest on loans (mainly consumer) spent 11.1% or 1.442.200 million manat, on accumulation and purchase of freely convertible currency - 19.6%, or 2.546.500 million manat.

Public expenses on servicing loans are increasing, more and more citizens are in debt, and the courts are full of claims about the alienation of the property because of non-returned loans. -17D-


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