The two new lawsuits against the editor of "Azadlig"

Two news lawsuits have been filed against the editor of the newspaper "Azadlig", Ganimat Zahid. One of the plaintiffs demanded to bring Zahid to criminal liability, the other - to pay compensation to 50,000 manat.

The first lawsuit was by the prisoner Huseynaga Babayev, who is serving his term in the Gobustan jail.

The lawsuit was filed  due to the article "Azadlig" published on  22 and 23 November 2011 under the headings: " A man was killed during shootout in Buzovna" and "Shocking details of the shooting in Buzovna."

The plaintiff  demand to sentence him   under the Articles  147.1, 147.2 (libel and slander of a felony) and 148 (insult.)

The publications on the murder of Hikmet Babayev on  21 November, 2011,  noted that  Babayev,  was the  brother of Huseynaga Babayev and son of  Amran Babayev. Subsequently, the newspaper published a rebuttal  by Huseynaga Babayev.

The second plaintiff is Tahmasib Novruzov. He sued in connection with the publication of the now arrested Bahlul Muradov about the planned attempt on the leader of the Popular Front Party, Ali Kerimli, and involvement  of  Novruzov in the plan.

According to  the editorial office of "Azadlig", the newspaper  published opinions  of plaintiffs in connection with the mentioning their names in this article. However, after a long time the plaintiffs were to sue the newspaper.

The newspaper believes that the real reasons for the persecution of  Zahid is  the abroad telecast  "Azerbaijani hour" organized by him from abroad.  According to the same source, the authorities have long been taking steps to stop  the project. One of them  was the initiating legal action against Zahid.

Earlier, the Interior Ministry and the Emergencies Ministry  made a similar claim against  Zahid on bringing him to justice. They withdrew the suit after the newspaper published a refutation. 

The chief editor  of the newspaper has been abroad for two years.—06D- 


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