VTB Bank (Azerbaijan) Announced New Tender

JSC VTB Bank (Azerbaijan) has announced an open tender for the acquisition of IT equipment for JSC VTB Bank (Azerbaijan)

In evaluating the bids, preference will be given to the following criteria: the most rational tender offer and quality specifications. Bids must be submitted in a sealed opaque envelope no later than September 13, 2013 , 16:00 in head office at the address : Baku, Nasimi , Khatai avenue , 38 .

Proposals that do not meet the previously announced technical specifications of the tender commission will not be considered.

The tender commission is at JSC VTB Bank (Azerbaijan). Contact: Secretary of the Tender Committee R.Sultanov. Phone: 012 437-71-20, 492-00-80 (ext. 1252). Fax: 012 437-71-21 Mob. : 050 286 00 87. -15D -


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