Ilham Aliyev: External forces will not be guarantors of stability in Karabakh

June 26 during tactical exercises of the Defense Ministry, Interior Troops and the Border Troops, ​​President Ilham Aliyev spoke before the military.

He noted that strengthening the capacity of the Armed Forces and army building is a public policy. Logistics equipment of the army is at the highest level. "According to this indicator, our army is one of the strongest armies in the world. Increase in military spending, which ranks first in the budget expenditure - is a manifestation of our public policy. It is our priority and we will continue to increase military spending. Over the past ten years, our military spending increased by more than 20 times, we have costs allocated to the army, armed forces, almost twice the entire state budget of Armenia ", - he said.

"We buy and will buy such weapons. However, in Azerbaijan recently established local production. Since 2005, the Ministry of Defense Industry produced 900 items of arms and ammunition for military purposes and this process continues today. In the future, we must self-sufficient equipment and ammunition. "

"Our lands are under occupation. Azerbaijani people suffer from this occupation. For many years, the conflict does not find a solution. Decisions and resolutions of international organizations are not satisfied. With respect us a policy of double standards.

Unfortunately, the mediators involved in this issue, the OSCE Minsk Group employed more increased measures of mutual trust, rather than the peaceful settlement of the conflict. Among the measures of mutual trust is the first withdrawal of Armenian forces from the occupied lands, and negotiations should be conducted on the merits. Unfortunately, the negotiations are not mediators endeavor to restore justice and to ensure that there was no war. In this case, Azerbaijan pays and will pay army building even more attention, and if the talks fail, then we will have no other way.

We do not want war. We try to make the issue was resolved peacefully. But we see that for twenty years this question does not find a solution. Forces trying to keep this issue in the "frozen" state, unfortunately, are making their intentions, their goals. However, we do not want to put up and will not put up with this situation.

Nagorno-Karabakh is a native land of Azerbaijan, the historical land of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan will never allow creation of a second Armenian state on its territory. This is our principled position. We will not step back from this position,” said Aliyev.

The Azerbaijani army is the first factor to address the issue. Even in terms of the ceasefire our growing army worries Armenians. We all know, we operational information that the Armenian army is in fear. We are fully seized the advantage on the frontline. We fully control the situation at the contact line. But the peaceful policy of the Azerbaijani state is the guarantor of stability today. No external force can be a guarantor of stability in the region. No external force can affect our will.

I am sure that Azerbaijan will restore its territorial integrity. We can do it today.

  First of all, we should liberate the occupied lands, then Nagorno-Karabakh, which is also our occupied land, should be under the control of Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani flag and should be raised in all the occupied cities, including Shusha and Khankendi. This is our main task. We will fulfill it," said Aliyev. -02D-

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