Matthew Miller

Matthew Miller

Washington D.C./01.11.23/Turan:  The United States on Tuesday reiterated its hope that Sweden will be approved to enter NATO 'as soon as possible,' as the State Department put it.

"I won’t put a timeline on it other than to say we want it to happen as quickly as possible," spokesperson Matthew Miller told TURAN's Washington correspondent during a daily briefing.

When asked if Washington was frustrated that the process is taking longer, Miller pushed back: "I won’t say we’re frustrated.  I’ll say that we want them to be approved as soon as possible.  But it’s something that we have spent a good amount of time working on."  

He went on to elaborate, "We have welcomed the announcement by the president of Türkiye that Sweden’s accession would move through the Turkish parliament. We’re watching that very closely, and hoping it gets approved as soon as possible."  

"And we have also noted the comments from Hungary from – that they would ultimately support it as well, and we expect them to do so," Miller concluded.

Alex Raufoglu

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