EU-Azerbaijan: 51

- 51 representatives of civil society appealed to the Azerbaijani government and the European Union. What is your goal?

- Our goal is to said the world and the country what is the Azerbaijani society is and what its values ​​are.

- Why do you think that now there is a need for your appeal?

- The Azerbaijani society cannot express its position and outlook on the future for more than three years after the repressions that took place. There is a serious need for this. On the one hand, all neighboring countries have already joined the European integration process. Even Armenia, which is strictly dependent on Russia, has signed an associative agreement, but Azerbaijan has lagged far behind, as only now is negotiating this agreement. These negotiations, of course, are held in secret, but the people and society must declare their position. It is necessary to put pressure on the negotiations, at least in this form. On the other hand, if between Azerbaijan and the European Union there are only trade relations, this means that the security problems of Azerbaijan are not so important. The principle of territorial integrity already gradually goes out of context in other countries.

- The appeal says that the deepening relations between the EU and Azerbaijan should be based on such joint obligations and principles as respect for the rule of law and good administration, human rights and fundamental freedoms. How convincing is that? Is the Azerbaijani government going to such an agreement?

- The people of Azerbaijan could do it 100 years ago, so it is possible now. Strong society will be able to influence domestic policy. It all depends on the people, their position and ability to influence.

The authors of the document called on the government of Azerbaijan and the EU to pay attention to some important issues in the cooperation agreement between these parties:

Do not allow Azerbaijan to be represented only as a supplier of energy resources in the region and the European Union. Most of the agreement should cover political reforms so that these changes lead to reforms in other areas. The benefits gained by the citizens of Azerbaijan and the EU will be the direct causes of energy security, stability and progress. To draw attention to the importance of human rights, especially the release of political prisoners. This is in line with the position of the European Parliament, which has clearly stated that the agreement has not been ratified if the indicators in the field of human rights do not improve. The importance of transparency in negotiations between Baku and Brussels and ongoing consultations with Azerbaijani civil society.

Execution of all legal and political conditions for the activities of civil society, removal of restrictions in the legislation; the application in laws and practice of all rights and freedoms, the law on political parties must confirm democratic standards, the legislation on freedom of assembly should be improved; ensuring the independence of the courts, the creation of a mechanism to prevent the expulsion of lawyers from the Bar, the restoration of the institution of representatives in local courts;

To amend the Electoral Code on the basis of proposals from international organizations such as the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, to fulfill all conditions for free and fair elections; Provide commitments on public participation in the fight against corruption, ensuring transparency and the presentation by all officials, without exception, of the annual income statement; Visa liberalization negotiations should come to a logical conclusion as soon as possible - the signing relevant agreement; Transparency and accountability in financial management - reporting from state-owned companies should be better than at present;

The document also proposes an increase in the efficiency of health care and education systems, the renewal of social services, and the enhancement of environmental protection.

- The document noted that they want to see Azerbaijan developing in the European direction with the prospect of EU membership. Who do you think prevented this movement in Azerbaijan, and our membership in the EU?

- The official answer is unwillingness to annoy Russia. But small and weak Georgia is not afraid of Russia, it is thoroughly integrated into the EU. In fact, integration with the European Union is the development of these reforms, that is, decentralization, democratization, etc. It means sharing responsibility with the government, but the current power elite does not want this.

- Officials explain the inability to become pro-Western by geographic and geopolitical reasons. They mention the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Maybe they are right in some questions? Does a rapprochement with the West really, a European orientation, create any problems for Azerbaijan?

- The absence of democracy in Azerbaijan can be one of a very serious reasons for solving the Karabakh problem in favor of the Armenians. Conversely, the ongoing democratic processes in Armenia. Our low democratic rating will create problems for us in the Karabakh issue. The neighboring republic is gradually emerging from the Russian sphere of influence, understanding very well the negative influence of Russia.

As a result of the adoption of anti-Azerbaijani resolution on September 10, 2015 by the European parliament the Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan left the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, as well as the bilateral dialogue with the European Parliament stopped. The resolution adopted by the European Parliament calls for the adoption by the European Union of sanctions and visa bans against officials, judges and politicians who are persecuting the political convictions of people in Azerbaijan. A year later, in the first meeting of the autumn session of the Milli Majlis, the decision "On relations between the European Parliament and the Azerbaijan Republic" was adopted.

- Why the European Union, why the West? How can Azerbaijan get out of the situation?

- First, the modern Azerbaijani national state has formed precisely in the general process of Europeanization. Therefore, only participation in Europe can make us a modern European nation. The basis for the Azerbaijani statehood was the liberal constitution of 1918. Secondly, in our society, the people and the state remains a mixed heritage. The direction of integration will develop a specific legacy. For example, Russian integration develops the Soviet legacy, and integration with the West will develop democratic potential and traditions. In general, only in Western countries, the state respects the rights and dignity of citizens.

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