ANAMA Finds Unexploded Warheads after Ceasfire

Following the intense fighting in Karabakh in early April, specialists of the Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA) started special operations to detect unexploded warheads.  The work began on April 7 - two days after the resumption of the ceasefire.

They found and defused 51 unexploded warheads from April 7 to 15.

Only on April 15, 10 houses, 32 blast craters, and 1 planting site were inspected in the Terter, Goranboy and Fizuli districts, and 30 exploded and 2 unexploded warheads were found and removed.

In particular, in the village of Shirarh on a sown area an artillery shell caliber 152 mm was discovered and taken away.

In the village Tapgaragoyunlu of the Goranboy district the mine detectors inspected 6 houses and 6 blast craters. The deminers found and took away 5 unexploded warheads and an artillery shell of 100 mm caliber.

In total from 7 to 15 April 2016 the sappers inspected 247 houses, 5 farms and 1 sown area in the Terter, Agjabedi, Aghdam, Fizuli and Goranboy regions, finding and defusing 51 unexploded warheads.   -0-

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