`Freedom or patriotism?` is the theme of next debates held in Media Center. The main opponents were deputy of parliament Aynur Jamalqizi and the expert Zeynal Mamedli.
     The subject became important due to discussing around the film `Unhappy Individual` by TV-journalist of ANS Mirshahin Agayev about the accused journalist Eynulla Fatullayev. Agayev approved the arrest of Fatullayev, and stated that for him patriotism is above of the Freedom of speech.
     During debates Jamalqizi said that she would prefer patriotism to the freedom of speech.
    `If there is not motherland, then the notions freedom of speech and democracy will lose their significance,` she said.
     Mamedli noted that under the modern civilization the highest value is human and his freedom. `Motherland must be for a man, and not a man for the motherland, ` he said. But Jamalqizi answered that such approach is acceptable for favorable countries, such as Switzerland. In Azerbaijan, which is in the state of war, patriotism should be prior for journalists, and press should not give `feed for enemies.`
     One of participants told that `if official take a bribe from their people, there cannot be real patriotism.`
     According to the expert-psychologist Azad Isazade, patriotism and freedom of speech cannot exist without each other. `Patriotism without freedom of speech will lead to fascism or communism. Freedom of speech without patriotism will lead the state to the threat,` Isazade said.
     According to Arif Aliyev, head of `Yeni Nesil` journalist union, real patriotism cannot be without freedom of speech and fair society. In the modern world normal states do not built gigantic state flags; they should create advanced technologies and provide fair division of national resources.
     Most of the participants agreed that political specializations on patriotism are necessary concealing corruption and violation of democracy. It is not right to state that it is necessary to victimize fair court verdicts and democratic freedoms until the resolution of the Karabakh conflict.

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