Media Review December 14, 2018

The Baku talks between the commanders of Russia and NATO, the delay in Arab investments, and the socioeconomic results of 2018 are the leading themes of today's media.

The Azerbaijan newspaper writes about the meeting of Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of Russia, held in Baku on December 12 with the commander of NATO allied forces in Europe, Curtis Scaparrotti.

A similar meeting took place in Baku in April of this year.

In 2017, Valery Gerasimov held two meetings in Baku (in February and September) with General Joseph Dunford, Chief of the Committee of the Chiefs of Staff of the United States Armed Forces, and General Peter Pavel of the NATO Military Committee.

The author regards this as high confidence in Azerbaijan. Such negotiations serve to reduce risks, strengthen mutual trust and hold back heated emotions that can lead to hostilities.

The contradictions between the United States and the Russian Federation, while worrying Azerbaijan, have nothing to do with it. The selection of Baku as a meeting place in itself has political significance, the author writes.

The newspaper Yeni Musavat writes about the delay in Arab investments in Azerbaijan. According to the expert Natig Jafarli, the warming of relations between Azerbaijan and Arab countries suggests attracting Arab investments to the country. For example, an investor from Kuwait bought a luxury hotel Monolith Plaza in Baku. However, for serious investment, any foreign entrepreneur gets to know the investment climate and the available prospects.

In Azerbaijan, in particular, over the past 2 years, tax and customs legislation has changed twice, and there are problems with the courts. There is one more thing: the management of most Arab investment funds is in the hands of American and European specialists. Investing in the non-oil sector of Azerbaijan is weak, and the expert believes it is because the country is not a member of the WTO. The expert believes that the country can benefit from the experience of Kazakhstan in this matter.

The website sums up the socio-economic results of 2018. According to the MP Ali Masimli, there are problems with general economic development. The government predicted a 2% growth in 2018, but over 10 months it was only 0.8%.

To improve the standard of living of the population, a country needs at least a 4 percent increase.

The MP recalled that according to forecasts, an increase of 3.6% is expected in 2019, and an average of 3.4% in 2020-2022.

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