Press Review 01/10/14

Official newspapers write about the beginning of the autumn session of the Parliament and of awarding a group of employees of Ministry of Education.


Azadlig writes about the attacks of the authorities on the European Parliament for the critical resolution.

The appeal of the convicted activists NIDA to the head of state is perceived ambiguously.

The awarding of Vaclav Havel award to Anar Mammadli is called "support of all the political prisoners of the country."

The analyst Thomas de Waal said that Ilham Aliyev does not control all of his surroundings.

The National Council is preparing to protest on October 12 and waits for the response of City Hall.

   Financial Monitoring Service revealed last year in Azerbaijan 603 suspicious transactions totaling $ 114 million manat.

Experts predict a further rise in prices for agricultural products due to increased exports to Russia.


Express says in 2013 202 police officers were dismissed for violations of the rights of citizens.


Echo says 40% of people find jobs through social networks, which shows the growth of their impact on society.


Novoye Vremya writes about the French and German companies leaving the TAP gas pipeline project and expresses satisfaction with the outcome of the Caspian summit in Astrakhan.


Bizim Yol on the first page delivers the criticism of the European Parliament by the Milli Majlis.

A group of families of fighters killed in Karabakh held a protest in front of parliament, demanding payment of their promised compensation.


Yeni Musavat argues that the Islamic radicals from Islamic State want to overthrow the government in Azerbaijan.

Transferred from Sheki to Baku, political prisoners Ilgar Mamedov and Tofig Yagublu are contained in an undisclosed location.

The monitoring group of human rights activists believes that on the eve of Kurban Bairam (Holy Sacrifice Holiday) pardon is possible.

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