The Committee to Protect the rights of civil society (CPRCS) calls for the release of IlgarMamedov and TofigYagublu

The Committee to Protect the Rights of Civil Society (CPRCS) calls on the Azerbaijani authorities to release from prison wrongly convictedIlgarMamedov,  leader of the civil movement "Republican Alternative" (ReAl) and TofigYagublu, deputy chairman of the party "Musavat".

The release of thecountry's two  brightest politicians will step to the beginning of the process of liberation of all political prisoners and to create conditions for the construction of a pluralistic society, uniting all forces to take  the country out of a deep socio-economic and socio-political crisis,it said in a statement KZGO.

 The CPRCS  urges the authorities to declare Azerbaijan a space without political prisoners, and thereby demonstrate the country's ability to make flexible decisions appropriate the  time requirements.

The Committee believes that in the face of IlgarMamedov and TofigYagublu all political prisoners deserve to live in a free society and to work for the approval of a strong democratic Azerbaijani state; and  such an objective is  the credo of their lives.

IlgarMammadov and TofigYagublu were sentenced to seven and five years in prison on charges of organizing riots in  the city of Ismayilli on 23-24 January 2013. Both political figures deny their  guilt.

In May 2014 the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) found a violation of the rights of IlgarMamedovunder the Article 5 (right to liberty and security),  Article  6 (the right to the presumption of innocence), and Article 18 (limits for the use of restrictions on rights.) The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and other supranational structure also insist on their release.

Amnesty International Human Rights Watch recognized Yagublu and Mamedov "prisoners of conscience", calling for their release. The democratic forces of Azerbaijan, all reputable human rights organizations, international organizations and the state also call for therelease of Mammadov and Yagublu,as well as all political prisoners.

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