The heads of religious confessions of Azerbaijan urged the international community to condemn Armenian aggression

The leaders of religious confessions of Azerbaijan adopted an appeal to the world community in connection with the worsening situation by the Armenian armed forces on the frontline. The appeal of the chairman of the Muslims of Caucasus Sheikhulislam   Allahshukur Pashazade, the head of the Baku and Caspian Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Alexander, head of the Community of Mountain Jews Melliha Yevdaeva, and chairman of the Azerbaijani Community of European Jews Gennady Zelmanovich expressed concern about the sabotage taking place at the contact line of Azerbaijani and Armenian troops.

 "We, the religious leaders, always advocate peace and understanding. The fact that in recent days, the Armenians resorted sabotage on the contact line of troops once again proved the aggressive intentions of Armenia. The Azerbaijani side, speaking for peaceful settlement, first unilaterally declared a ceasefire. Despite the ceasefire agreement, the other party continues to regularly violate it. The world, including the Armenians themselves, knows that Karabakh is Azerbaijani land. Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is recognized by all international documents. The so-called "Nagorno Karabakh Republic" is not recognized by any international organization and the state. The occupied Azerbaijani territories are today favorable space for any illegal actions," reads the appeal of religious leaders.–06d--

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