Sheker-bura, semeni, candles, colored eggs, pahlava, fire jumping – traditions of Novruz celebration (New Day) –the vernal equinox. Zoroastrian traditions of Azerbaijanis can be seen in the above.
Zoroastrianism - Zardushtism, by the name of Prophet Zardusht (Zaratushtra, Zoroaster) appeared in the first millennium B.C. as one of the monotheistic religions. Scholars dispute about Zoroaster’s place of birth. However, most scholars are prone to think that he was born in 6-5 centuries B. C. on the territory of today’s Iranian Azerbaijan.
It will suffice to mention that Iranian astronomer Z. Behruz fixed the exact date – year 738 B. C. when Zoroaster “accepted the faith”. Note that 2020+62=2082 years have passed since antecedents of modern Azerbaijanis are celebrating the New Year in the March vernal equinox.
It must be borne in mind that a main principle of Zoroastrianism is a triad: “Good thoughts – good words – good deeds”.
Account has to be taken of the fact that Zoroastrianism was spread in the Caucasus; however, later it was pushed aside by Christianity and then by Islam. Of interest is the fact that in Georgia with its Christianity adopted in the 4 century the Zoroastrian traditions had not continued, except for Adzharia where the New Year is still celebrated according to solar calendar. According to the Georgian history, Zoroastrianism had been dominant before Christianity with a center in Mtskheta that became a capital of the Georgian Christianity since 4 century.
Rare Armenian sources point to relations between the Armenian early Christianity and Zoroastrianism; true, these relations were hostile. It should be noted that in the late antiquity period Armenia was absorbed by the Byzantine Empire and Sassanid Persia. Under Shahinshah Yezdigerd-II Armenia marked active dissemination of Zoroastrianism and Mazdaizm which caused a vigorous protest of greater portion of population. At Artashat Council of 449 the Christian clergy and Armenian princes responded to Yezdigerd’s message which demanded to adopt Zoroastrianism as saying that in the matter of faith they rely on their own God only (P.I. Zhavoronkov. “Orthodox Encyclopedia”).
The point to be emphasized is that Zoroastrians worship God Ahura Mazda which as translated from Farsi means “God of Wisdom”. Note that Ahura Mazda is unseen and unnoticeable; he is Great Creator of the Universe and all flesh; with His help only it is possible to attain the Enlightenment. That’s exactly why Zoroastrians use fire in their rituals – fire is a symbol of light and enlightenment to oppose evil and barbarism. It’d be wrong to assume that Zoroastrians worship fire.
Obligatory for Zoroastrians is a prayer performed five times a day (before sunrise; at noon; before sunset; in the course of sunset and night prayer) which bears similarity to prayers succession in Islam. It is accepted to perform ablution before prayer. In this regard there is opulent similarity with ritual ablution in Islam.
Zoroastrians believe that all mortals will face the trial of the most impartial judge Ahura Mazda. A bridge will be laid over the precipice to Hades; paradisiac gardens are located from across. The bridge will be broad and sound for righteous men, and thin as razor’s edge for sinners. Failing to resist, sinners will be falling into fire embraces of Hades to live there for ever. That’s the Zoroastrians’ concept of the Day of Judgment. There is nothing of the kind in the Holy Koran; this notwithstanding, under the Islamic tradition, “syraata al mustakim ” (lit. high road) is interpreted in the form of the bridge above, broader for righteous men and narrower for sinners.
It is worth reminding that Zoroastrians are confident that there are both external and internal devils misleading humans to evil deeds and bad habits. At this point there is a parallel with Islamic beliefs, specifically devil Satan. Note that Satan declined from worshipping Adam and swore to mislead the human race. Also, there is a certain “Carin” – alter ego, inner self capable of simplifying Satan’s task.
This was due to the fact that even after advent of Islam in the 7 century the Zoroastrian traditions remained intact among peoples that adopted Islam, for instance, Azerbaijanis. Note that Azerbaijanis are generic name of indigenous peoples inhabiting Azerbaijan, including Turks, Talyshes, Lezgians, Avars, Udins, etc.
Azerbaijanis as ethnos formed as a result of gradual consolidation of autochthonous tribes of tribes of Eastern Caucasus (Albanians, Udins, Caspians, Talyshes, Laks, Medes, Mannes, etc.) with newly arrived tribes of Huns, Oghuzes and Cumans.
It has to be kept in mind that the Turkic Azerbaijani language appeared to replace Azeri (a language of the Iranian branch of the Indo-European language family) at about 10-13 centuries. There are differing sub-dialects and cultures typical for ethnographic groups, specifically Karapapakhs, Padars, Shahsevans, Ayrums, Afshars. (Journal of the Moscow University. Series 23. CAUCASIAN TURKS: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF GENE POOL ACCORDING TO Y- CHROMOSOME DATA)
Lezghians call the holiday as Yaran-Suvar; Laks – Int daydihu; Kumiks – Shatman; Avars - Ih chIarab kъо. In Dagestan, the holiday is celebrated at the nationwide level.
Holiday Novruz fire is set by the head of the state every year at the foot of Maiden’s Tower in Baku. Azerbaijani architectural historian Davud Akhundov explained this miraculous tower in Baku as being a house of worship for Zoroastrians. The rumors even go that yet-undiscovered burial spot of Zoroaster is located at the footing of Maiden’s Tower and that the Tower was based on the grave of Zoroaster.
The vernal equinox celebrations fall on March 20, i.e. the New Year begins with the last four winter Tuesdays. Every Tuesday symbolizes one of the four elements in the following sequence: water (su), fire (od), wind (yel) and earth(torpaq), and each of them is celebrated in families. Why Tuesdays? According to the Holy Scripture, the Creation began with Tuesday.
The purifying fire comes on the second Tuesday fire, as well as in the vernal equinox, and one shall, without fail, jump over fire time and again entreatingly “Let my miseries be gutted by this fire!” Thus, we are faced with absolution from last year’s sin and entry with fire energy. He who performed the ritual became relieved from negative of the past. One cannot put out the bonfire. The bonfire has to smolder to ashes; then taken far away from hearth together with all hardships and miseries.
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