Accounting Chamber will consider consequences of emergencies

Accounting Chamber of Azerbaijan (ACA) will be represented in the working group of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI.). The goal I  a qualitative audit of funds allocated to remedy the effects of emergencies and disasters.

According to the site of ACA, the decision to create a group  was adopted at the Nineth Congress EUROSAI  on 16-19 June in the Netherlands, and the list  of participants was approved in July.  The Group includes also  the  structures of higher financial control of Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland, and Russia.

The report notes that natural and anthropogenic disasters in the world today  have  international character. In this regard, there is a need for intensive and interconnected actions for the effective use of funds allocated for the elimination of their consequences. The purpose of the working group is to strengthen cooperation and coordination in this area. - 17D-

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