Announced the reduction of the period for extracts from the register of real estate

State Committee for Property Affairs announced a reduction in terms of consideration of the owners to provide its territorial departments of a number of documents from the state register of real estate. Experts attribute these steps not only by the desire to simplify GKVI relationships with owners, but also the appearance of the Centers "ASAN Xidmet", which also provide real estate services.

According to the State Committee's press service, the territorial Board of the State Real Estate Register in SC started issuing certificates of occupancy of properties within 1 day, and extracts from the state register for real estate transactions in the secondary market - 7 days. The legislation provides for the provision of these documents available on 5 and 20 working days.

Territorial management of real estate registration works on self-financing basis. There has been set payment for the services. In addition, 30% of the state fee for these services is directed at improving the social status of the employees.

It is noteworthy that previously acted only Real Estate Registration Office in Baku. In recent months, there were created 5 branches. - 08D-


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