LLC PSG-Broker admitted as a member of BSE

The Supervisory Board of JSC BSE received the organization LLC PSG-Broker. It became the 18th member of BSE.

LLC PSG-Broker was registered in July 2012 with a registered capital of 1,250 manat. In September of the same year the company was granted a license for the provision of brokerage and dealer services on the securities market.

In May this year, PSG-Broker was selected as an underwriter of the bonds of Southern Gas Corridor with a total cost of $ 917.3 million. Due to lack of membership in BSE, the right for placement of securities was transferred to the company Invest-AZ. The company does not show itself on the stock exchange activity and was not included in the ranking of brokers.

Director of PSG-Broker is Matanat Iskenderova, who previously led the brokerage company Standard Capital. - 08D-

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