Ministry of Transport begins the research of the cost of passenger transport by road

State Road Transport Service under the Ministry of Transport started to research the cost of fares passenger carriages after today's increase in tariffs on gasoline and diesel fuel. At the same time head of the secretariat of Ministry of Transport, Namik Hasanov, said Turan, an appeal to the Tariff Council on increase of tariffs on urban and intercity passenger traffic is not directed. According to him, last time the appeal to the Ministry of Transport appealed to the Tariff Council on the increase of tariffs this year. However, then the Council did not consider the appeal, although it has been proved by unprofitable work with some carriers in Baku.

Chief of the Public Relations of the Ministry of Economy and Industry, Abbas Aliyev, in turn, told local media that the tariff increase on fuel does not affect the cost of passenger transportation vehicles. "The share of fuel in passenger traffic is approximately 20%. And after the tariff increase this figure reached 26%. Therefore, the effect of tariff increases in the cost is negligible." At the same time, according to a representative of the Ministry, companies engaged in passenger transport wok for profit.  08B  


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