Person identified by the pattern of blood vessels in the palm of your hand

Since 2015 human identification will be possible not only by fingerprints and blood, but the drawing of blood vessels, as well as scanning the palm.

Japanese corporation Fujitsu / Fujitsu Ltd. / Developed the technology and is willing to bring it to the market a year and half.

Specialists Company found that vascular pattern previously scanned using special infrared device can be converted into a 2048-bit unique code. Subsequent scans the palm of the same person in the identification of his personality will result in the same code.

"We plan to bring the technology to market in 2015," said the representative of the development team, Fujitsu Takashi Sindzaki.

The Company expects that its proposed method can be effectively used for non-cash purchases, authorize users to the Internet and so forth - 17D-

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