Top-level domains adversely affect the integrity and security of the Internet

ICANN has published a report on the possible impact of new top-level domains on the integrity and security of the Internet. According to ICANN, domain Home and. Corp cannot be delegated, and the emergence of other new domains in the network can be delayed for a period of six months to a year.

In an independent report prepared by the Organization Interisle Consulting, stated that the new top-level domains may adversely affect the safety of users. We are talking about the queries of home devices to access the Internet and corporate networks. A significant portion of these requests occur when using Google Chrome browser and home devices when accessing the Internet. In the area of ??risk on the number of requests has also been the domain. Corp is often used in corporate infrastructure.

At the end of the report to ICANN shared all applications for new top-level domains into three groups. As for the group of "high-risk" domains Home and. Corp, ICANN is not delegating these domains as long as the applicant provides evidence that the domains are no longer at risk.

In the group of "low-risk" has 1,128 domains (80% of the total number of proposed new domains) - this includes, in particular, all IDN-domains.

The last group - domains that ICANN has failed to determine the degree of risk (279 domains, 20% of the total). In order to put these domains in the category of low or high risk, ICANN will conduct additional audits. - 17D-


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