SOCAR and Romanian Transqaz to cooperate to transport and transit gas

Yesterday SOCAR and Romanian Transgaz signed a mutual memorandum, reported State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR).

The document envisages cooperation between the companies in field of gas transportation and gas transit using Romania’s capacities.

The memorandum also envisages the possibilities of export LNG and natural gas to the Romanian market and its sale it on the basis of long-term or spot contracts, including the potential LNG terminals within the framework of AGRI project.

It has been mentioned during the signing ceremony that the memorandum will open the possibility for deepening cooperation between SOCAR and Transgaz and expand operations on the natural gas market of southeastern Europe and the Balkan region.

“The memorandum will also contribute to expansion of cooperation between the countries in field of energy, in particular, gas supply, transportation, marketing and sales,” said the same source.—0—

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