Who Will Take Part at III Meeting of Advisory Council on Southern Gas Corridor

Energy Ministers of 7 countries will participate in the III session of the Consultative Council for the project of creating the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC), which will be held on February 23 in Baku, according to the Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan.

"Preparations for the meeting of the Advisory Council on the SGC has been completed. The meeting will be attended by the Ministers of Energy of seven countries - Turkey, Georgia, Italy, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Croatia," the information says.

In addition, the meeting will be attended by Minister of Economy of Montenegro, Minister of Foreign Trade of Bosnia and Herzegovina, US Deputy Secretary of State Adviser on Energy Diplomacy Robin Dunnigan, Envoy of the Prime Minister of Great Britain to Azerbaijan, Baroness Emma Nicholson, Vice President of the European Commission's energy union Marosh Sheftchovich.

Serbia, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine will be represented by the ambassadors of these countries in Baku.

The meeting will also be attended by representatives of international financial institutions: the World Bank, the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the German bank KfW, the International Finance Corporation, and Asian Development Bank.

In addition, the activities of the meeting will be attended by leaders of consortia for the construction of the TANAP gas pipeline, the TAP, the Ionian-Adriatic gas pipeline, BP, Total, and Snam.

Energy Ministry said that the meeting of the Advisory Council will be held in four sessions. In the first session they will hear reports on the work done within the framework of SGC, and in the second session - by the ministers of countries involved in the project. The third session will be devoted to the financing of the SGC project, and the fourth session - to the enlargement of the Southern Gas Corridor project and the construction of the Ionian-Adriatic gas pipeline.

The joint declaration will be signed after the meeting.

The first meeting of the Consultative Council on the SGC was held in Baku in February 2015, and the second - in Baku in February 2016.

* The project Southern Gas Corridor provides for the establishment of pipeline infrastructure to transport to Europe via Turkey Azerbaijani gas produced in the framework of Phase 2 of the Shah-Deniz field project.

The main components of the project are: the expansion of South Caucasus Gas Pipeline, the construction of the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP) and Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP). Supply of Azerbaijani gas to Europe is expected in 2020 in the amount of 10 bcm. In addition, 6 bcm of Azerbaijani gas will be supplied to Turkey from 2018 on. -12D--

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