Doğu Perinçek.

Doğu Perinçek.

Emmanuel Macron"s statement that from now on, April 24 will be celebrated as the day of commemoration of the "Armenian genocide", has become a good pass to the official circles of Turkey, but also turned out to be good for Doğu Perinçek , the head of the "Vatan Partisi" (Party of the Motherland). The Chairman of the Security Council and Foreign Policy, and at the same time, Ibrahim Kalyn, the press secretary of Erdogan, said that Macron did not find a way out of the political situation in which he found himself, and therefore seizes the "Armenian issue".

The chair of the Homeland Party, Doğu Perinçek, who has long exploited this issue, wrote a letter to Macron and urged him to respect international law. Speaking of "law," Doğu Perinçek, of course, refers to the decisions of the Resolution of the Second Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) of December 2013 and the Grand Chamber of January 2015.

The following events preceded the adoption of decisions by the ECHR: speaking at a rally in Lausanne (Switzerland) in July 2005, Doğu Perinçek said: "The Armenian Genocide" is an international lie!" and for this, he was summoned to the police station. Although after testifying he was released on demand, including Turkey, later the Swiss court sentenced Doğu Perinçek to three months in prison.

Doğu Perinçek and about 10 of his comrades who oppose the allegations of the "Armenian genocide" were arrested in Turkey in March 2008. In June, Doğu Perinçek"s lawyer filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights for "violation of freedom of speech and expression."

Ankara, which has not interested in the fate of Doğu Perinçek for about 2.5 years, saw that the situation was changing in favor of the latter, sent a letter to the ECHR in support of Doğu Perinçek, supporting his position.

After 13 months, in December 2013 Doğu Perinçek and his associates were imprisoned, the Grand Chamber also confirmed the decision of the Second Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights, which fined Switzerland for "restricting freedom of speech and expression", and this decision became binding on member of the Council of Europe.

In 2006, the French parliament adopted a resolution recognizing the "Armenian genocide". However, after the Parliament and the Senate adopted a law criminalizing the denial of the "Armenian genocide" (December 2012- February 2013), the Constitutional Council will cancel this decision.

Today it is clear to all that the decisions of the ECHR have largely shortened the claims on the "Armenian genocide" in Europe. Despite Turkey has now received the consent of the Council of Europe to temporarily postpone the implementation of the ECtHR decisions, Ankara presents Europe with the ECtHR decisions as soon as the issue of the so-called "Armenian genocide" is actualized. Doğu Perinçek"s strongest support in Europe, whose party won nearly 100 thousand votes in the last parliamentary elections, are the decisions of the ECHR.

Is not President Macron aware of all this? It is difficult and even impossible to assume that he is not aware of this. Then, based on what logic, did he again update the issue of the "Armenian genocide"? If this happened on the eve of the elections, one might think that Macron had taken this step to get support from the Armenian lobby.

Since there are no elections, once again actualizing this issue, Macron once again demonstrated his political immaturity. By this, he strengthened the position of Ankara, which has firm decisions of the ECHR? Taking into account the fact that in the decisions of the ECHR it is emphasized that "the events of 1915 cannot be compared with the Holocaust - the genocide of Jews", will not Turkey try to turn this step of Macron against him? Simply, will not Doğu Perinçek, who has obtained the conviction of Switzerland, sue France too?

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