Rəcəb Tayyib Ərdoğan

Rəcəb Tayyib Ərdoğan

Baku/21.10.22/Turan: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called as successful his visit to the Jabrail and Zangilan regions of Azerbaijan on October 20 on the occasion of the opening of a new airport in the de-occupied territory, "Anadolu" reports. 

"Together with my dear brother Ilham Aliyev, we took part in the opening of the Zangilan International Airport. Zangilan has a strategically important location, and the new air harbor will make an important contribution not only to the development of Azerbaijan, but also to the region as a whole," he said.

Erdogan pointed out that the restoration of communications between the region and the rest of the world and the strengthening of transport routes are strategic steps.

The Turkish head of state noted that the work on the restoration of Azerbaijani territories liberated from occupation continues at an active pace. "I am confident that the steps taken by Azerbaijan to attract investments will soon turn Karabakh into a bright star in the region," he said.

The Turkish leader added that he discussed bilateral ties and the situation in the region and the world during his visit with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

"Our common vision for the South Caucasus is based on peace, stability and development. The demarcation of borders, the opening of communications between Nakhchivan and the western regions of Azerbaijan and the signing of a peace agreement [with Armenia] will be important steps that contribute to the normalization of the situation in the region. After many years, there is a chance for long-term peace in the region, and the price has been high," Erdoğan said.

The head of state expressed hope that Armenia will avail of this historic opportunity.

According to Erdogan, progress in Azerbaijan-Armenia negotiations will definitely have a positive impact on the process of normalization of relations between Ankara and Yerevan," the Turkish leader said.-0-

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