Court of Appeal upholds Tural Abbasli in custody

Baku Appeals Court upheld the decision to arrest for 15 days the  head of the youth organization of the party "Musavat",  Tural Abbasli. Abbasli  was arrested on  August 7 by the decision of the Nasimi District Court on charges of not fulfilling the community service of 220 hours. This measure has been taken  instead of a fine of 600 manats for participating in a protest  of youth on 12 January in Baku.

Abbasli  refused to pay the fine, considering that  he realized  his right to freedom of assembly.

During the consideration of the appeal on August 16, Abbasli again denied the charge of evasion of the administrative penalty. He said that the bailiffs went to being registered for public works, but no work was given, Turan was told by the lawyer Asabali Mustafaev.

Earlier, the lawyer reported that Abbasli  was subjected to ill-treatment in the detention center, and  he is handcuffed and things brought from home  are not given to him.

Abbasli’s mother,  Bashhanym Abbasova, said that in detention  her son has lost weight and the weakened.

Abbasli was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for organizing a rally  on April 2, 2011 in Baku, demanding democratic reforms. In June 2012, he was pardoned.

Amnesty International has declared him a “prisoner of conscience.”—06D—


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