

Baku/17.06.22/Turan:  Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the country, Chingiz Askerov at a meeting with the heads of representative offices of several countries in the Council of Europe, discussed issues of  legal reforms in Azerbaijan

In particular, the meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Group of Rapporteurs on Democracy of the Committee of Representatives of the Council of Europe, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the Council of Europe Martin Ehnberg, heads of the permanent missions of Turkey, Estonia and Finland to this organization,  the message of the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan. Askerov informed the guests about the reforms being carried out in Azerbaijan in the judicial and legal system.

Regarding the powers of the Supreme Court to form a unified judicial practice, Askerov noted that the collegiums of this body made decisions on a number of issues in order to form a unified judicial practice.

As part of the reforms, since October last year, the Cassation Court considers cases, as a rule, in written proceedings. This serves to build the work of the Supreme Court more efficiently, prevent unnecessary waste of time when considering cases in court and improve the quality of cases considered in general. In recent years, the possibilities of using the electronic judicial information system are expanding more and more.

Informing about the structural changes in the Supreme Court, Askerov said that a department for managing court cases has been created in the apparatus of the Supreme Court.

This structure makes a significant contribution to the work of the court, providing institutional support both for the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and for the reflection of the requirements of the Convention in the decisions of the Supreme Court.

Chingiz Askerov noted that special importance is attached to expanding business ties with the institutions of the Council of Europe, as well as cooperation in the judicial and legal sphere with the member countries of the organization. In this sense, he noted the action plan of the Council of Europe for Azerbaijan for 2022-2025.

Within the framework of cooperation with the Council of Europe, the Supreme Court is interested in studying the activities of the European Court and the technologies used in it.

The head of the CE delegation, Martin Ehnberg, "highly appreciated the ongoing reforms in the judicial and legal sphere in Azerbaijan." He stressed the need for further development of relations between Azerbaijan and the CE in the form of a direct dialogue, which will contribute to the implementation of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.

“The meeting was held in the conditions of an effective exchange of views, and useful discussions related to the provision of human rights and the tasks facing the courts in this area, were held,”  the press release of the Supreme Court further notes. --06B--

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