Leyla Yunus: I face moral and physical pressure

Under arrest since July 30, the director of the Institute for Peace and Democracy Leyla Yunus got a chance to call from Detention Facility №1 in Kurdakhani and report on her conditions.

In the talk with the Director of Turan News Agency Mehman Aliyev, she said that she is facing psychological and even physical pressure from a prison staff member Nuriya.

From August 5, after the arrest of her husband Arif, she has not received any parcels with food or medicines. She also has no information on the status of her spouse, who is kept in the detention center of the Ministry of National Security. A lawyer is still not allowed to Arif, she said.

The human rights activist confirmed the deterioration of her health status (acute form of diabetes) and lack of adequate medical care. Leyla Yunus said that she has no access to newspapers or TV.

Recall that Leyla Yunus and her husband Arif were arrested on charges of treason, tax evasion and illegal business activities.

The European Union, the OSCE, and the Council of Europe, as well as many international human rights organizations called the arrest of the couple Yunus politically motivated and demanded their immediate release.

The Yunusovs have been also included in the single list of 98 political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, compiled by human rights NGOs and lawyers in Azerbaijan. -0

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