Allen (Alekper) Mirkadyrov is one of the six crew members of the conditioned 8-month flight to Mars, which will begin on October 15 in Hawaii. A 31-year-old officer of the U.S. Air Force, flight engineer , Allen was born in Baku. In the early 90s, when he was 10 years old, the family moved to the United States.
Recently, Allen and 5 others have been selected by NASA for the commission of the experiment, the maximum simulating a mission to Mars.
In an interview with Turan Allen kindly agreed to share information about this extraordinary event.
"This experiment is carried out by NASA (National Space Agency of the United States). The goal is –a great number of experiments to test the compatibility of the crew for eight months. The flight to Mars nd back will last just eight months. The aim is to explore the possible psychological problems and use this experience when flights to Mars will start," said Allen.
" There are three men and three women in the group . Crew commander, Martha, is from Canada, the rest were born in America, except for me.
In the experiment, I am responsible for the technical condition of the equipment, including computers, their technical state and route of flight. In addition to general problems, I will have my own experiment - development of a computer program that optimizes trajectory. Its purpose is to calculate and pave the optimal route on the way to Mars, taking into account the movement of the planets in the solar system. It is possible that the timing of the flight to Mars could be reduced," said Allen.
Does this experiment mean that its participants will fly once on Mars? Allen said that there is no such guarantee. "We all were told that it was just an experiment, but in case of success and how crew members show themselves, more likely in the future they will be among the first crews to Mars."
Allen said it would be possible not earlier than 2022. Here, apart from the technical issues, there are purely financial issues, that is funding this expensive project should approve the Congress.
How was the selection process? Allen said there were a lot of tests. Candidates were selected in several stages, and physical and psychological state and compatibility were also checked. At the last stage there were 10 candidates, which were thrown in the woods, to test the ability to survive.
" For 10 days we lived under the open sky, had to find water and food, and help each other. By nature, I am flexible, not capricious and not afraid of difficulties and hardships. Probably, therefore, they took me, and Martha was the leader, and, according to the organizers, she will be able to lead a crew, " says Allen.
Answering the rhetorical question –is it easy for men to live for eight months under the command of women, Allen laughed. "I think those who selected the participants and the commander were well aware of what they are doing. Now we meet and talk, everything is fine, no problems, I also hope there will not be problems in the end of the experiment, " he says.
Answering the question of where the experiment will take place and what it represents, Allen said the project is carried out in Hawaii at a local university.
"The room is like a dome 12 meters in diameter, which is closed by half. During the experiment, it will be completely closed and will not be visible from the outside. People inside also will not see the outside.
Under the dome there are six cabins, two toilets. We will stay in such a hostel for eight months. However, sometimes we will come to the surface "of Mars" in spacesuits and perform certain tasks. "
Can an experiment to fail or break? Allen said that a failure can be considered if the crew cannot stand living together for eight months, is whether its members will not be able to get along. However, the selection was very serious and participants are responsible people, so such a scenario is unlikely.
Will he take the symbolism of Azerbaijan to the board? Allen said he would do it with pleasure, but has not yet decided what to take. "I think it will be something that will remind me of Baku, when I was there last time in 2010," -said Allen Mirkadyrov.-02В-
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