Mirvari Gahramanli: SOCAR has become a helpless creature

Perhaps the true causes of the accident and fire on an offshore platform number 10 in the field "Guneshli"  on December 4 will be known after the investigation of the state commission, created by the head of state, said in an interview with Turan  Mirvari Gahramanli , the head of the Organiation to  protect the Righst of Oil Workers. "Now, it would beearly to  speak unequivocally about any reasons. According to one of the preliminary  versions, not yet confirmed, it is a violation of the rules of internal security,and wind  "stimulated" the  accident. Was it possible to promptly bring people out of the platform? It seems to me that the evacuation was organized not properly. People were confused and failed to comply with the rules of the evacuation," said Gahramanli. She noted that the BP has eight golden rules of safety. Their basic is the human factor.

The Company may terminate the contract with any service, contractor, which  do not comply with this rule. The governing official  for security is provided  broad powers, and has the authority to stop work , and  all should obey his instruction.

However, no one  in  SOCAR has the righst to stop the work.

Despite the wind, or other emergencies Controller Safety has no authority to stop the work.

However, Gahramanli disagrees with the different opinion in media that the cause of the accident and the fire could be sabotage or terrorist attack.  She excluded this version, because in her opinion, external interference on the platform is very difficult. Among those who have long been working together under difficult conditions can not be suicide bombers.

With regard to the rescue operation and the inability of courts to approach the platform because of the wind and  large waves, according Gahramanli, in Soviet times  readiness to such situations was higher.

"Even now BP does not have the fleet which had SOCAR. SOCAR has  actually into armless, legless creature. It has become the second budget of the government. For the evacuation of oilmen  SOCAR should not appeal to  BP,  or the Minitry of Emergency Situations. This takes time. Equipment used by  BP showed the need to study the international experience and the availability of appropriate technology. Such accidents are not excluded in the future. Protection of human life should be  on the first place," summed Gahramanli. -03B-

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