In the 2025 state budget and other adopted socio-economic laws, the human factor...
Social sphere
In a gesture as symbolic as it is surreal, authorities in the suburban settlement of Buzovna recently unveiled a monument in the form of a rusted trash bin, meant to signify the deeply entrenched corruption and mismanagement within Azerbaijan’s water resource management system. The installation followed the dramatic collapse of the ground over an illegal sewage line, leaving behind a gaping hole that now marks the intersection of four roads.
Next year, the minimum wage in Azerbaijan will be set at 400 manats, according to the feedback provided by the Accounting Chamber on the draft law on the "State Budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2025." In 2024, the minimum wage was 345 manats.
It seems we believe that life cannot be lived with festive spirit without holidays, or that we cannot think about children unless it's Children's Day. It's as if there must be a designated day or calendar event for everything. Topics aligned with that calendar gain prominence. It’s as though every day of the year belongs to a specific social group.
Currently, Azerbaijan is hosting the COP-29 Summit of the Parties. As the host, Azerbaijan has committed to reducing carbon emissions by up to 35% by 2030.
2025-ci il dövlət büdcəsi və qəbul olunan iqtisadi qanunlar insanyönümlüdürmü? – Natiq Cəfərli Çətin sualda
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