Case of Football Player Involved in Murder of Journalist Heard in Court

The trial of the football player Javid Huseynov, who is accused of involvement in the murder of the journalist Rasim Aliyev, was continued on 6 April.

The Sabail District Court today heard the testimony of the player, his mother and witnesses, as well as the mother of Rasim Aliyev.

Javid Huseynov again denied his guilt, saying he did not send his relatives to a showdown with the journalist.

However, the mother of the deceased journalist Teyfura Aliyeva did not accept his argument, saying the day of the beating Javid called Rasim 1-2 times and then his relative Elshan Ismayilov phoned.

Aliyeva also refuted the allegation of Elshan that he went to the showdown with Rasim, allegedly due to the fact that the journalist said something bad about his mother.

"My son could not say this," she said.

The footballer’s mother Khalida Hajiyeva said Javid did not know about the meeting of his relatives with the journalist, and learned about his beating from the Internet.

Teyfura Aliyeva also said that on that day Javid Huseynov came to the hospital to visit Rasim. He talked with the doctors there. But when the police and prosecutors came, he left the hospital.

Huseynov said he did not talk to the doctors about Rasim.

The following hearing will take place on April 13.

Rasim Aliyev the journalist was beaten by a group of fellows on August 8, and died in the Central Clinical Hospital on the night of 9 August. The five men participating in the beating received sentences of 9 to 13 years each.

Javid Huseynov is charged under Article 307.1 of the Criminal Code (non-information about the organization or execution of serious crime) and 307.2 of the Criminal Code (concealment of crime). -0-

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