Human rights activist is left behind bars

Shirvan Court of Appeal chaired by Ismail Akhmedov upheld the  verdict  of Goychay  region  on imprisonment  of  the human rights defender Taleh Khasmamedov  to  four years under Articles 221.3 (hooliganism) and 315.1 (resistance to the police.)  A lawyer Asabali Mustafayev said Turan, that the court  did not hear the arguments of the defense, did not consider the absence of witnesses and police. Public prosecutor  Siyavush Sadigov insisted on upholding the verdict. 

Khasmamedov was arrested in November 2011, and was sentenced on April 20. He believes that  the accusation against him was fabricated by the  leadership of police of Ujar region. The reason  became the protection of journalist Fuad Huseynov, who was also convicted on trumped-up charges of publishing material on the links of the local police with the criminal groups involved in drug trafficking.—0—


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