Lawyer Elchin Sadigov Not Allowed to Arrested IDPs from Jabrail

The lawyer Elchin Sadigov is not allowed to his clients arrested for participating in a protest against electric power cuts in the settlements for IDPs in the Bilasuvar district. The lawyer told Turan IA.

Sadigov protects the rights of two IDPs from the Jabrayil region, Jalal Guliyev and Zaur Feyruzlu. They were arrested for participating in a protest against blackouts in the Bilasuvar region. They are charged under articles 186.2 (damage to property), 233 (committing actions aimed at disturbing public order) and 315 (resisting a representative of authority with use of violence) of the Criminal Code.

The prison administration motivates the denial of admission for the attorney to his clients by the lack of a permission letter from the prosecutor's office.

Sadigov sent a letter to the prosecutor at the end of last year. But so far he has not received a response.

Sadigov appealed the arrest of Guliyev and Feyruzlu.

According to him, although the date of considering the complaint in the Shirvan Court of Appeal has not yet been assigned, in his opinion, it will happen this workweek.

According to the counsel, in connection with the protest action in Bilasuvar several people were arrested.

Recall that a group of IDPs blocked the road Bilasuvar-Imishli on December 22 due to the power outage in their village. The police used force against the participants and there were injured on both sides.

Electricity supply to 11 settlements was restored under the condition that the IDPs would provide phased repayment of their debt. -05D06--

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