Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

A glance at the resolution adopted by the Senate of France on November 25, the economic significance of Kalbajar, the assessment of the activities of Azerbaijani diplomacy in Europe, and the likelihood of a rise in prices for building materials are topics of today's media.

The Azerbaijan newspaper comments on the resolution adopted by the French Senate on November 25 on the recognition of the “NKR”, regarding it as disrespect for international law. This is done by the country, which is a co-chair of the Minsk Group for the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

The text of the resolution speaks of the concern caused by the strengthening of Azerbaijan and Turkey and the demonstration of their unity. The Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan sent a note of protest to France.

France has demonstrated its injustice and support for the occupiers, and the Senate has once again proved that it is a prisoner of the Armenian lobby.

The website Metbuat.az discusses the economic, historical and strategic importance of Kalbajar, liberated from the Armenian occupation. From a historical and geographical point of view, Kalbajar has always played the role of a bridge in the Karabakh-Ganja-Yerevan triangle. The liberation of Kalbajar was a historic, strategic and economic victory. In addition, the region is rich in drinking water and mineral springs, which opens up new opportunities for the country, as well as for animal husbandry, as it has huge pastures.

The website Azpolitika.info writes that the adoption of a resolution on the recognition of the “NKR” by the French Senate raises numerous questions regarding the activities of the Azerbaijani diplomatic corps in Europe. According to the author, the fact that France is pro-Armenian is not news, but it is also wrong to completely deny the guilt of the Azerbaijani diplomatic corps. Demonstration of such anti-Azerbaijani solidarity (meaning voting in the Senate) is a failure of our diplomacy, especially the embassy in France. Personnel changes are needed.

The website Müsavat.com writes about the likelihood of a rise in prices for building materials. Economist Natig Jafarli believes that the restoration work in the territories liberated from the occupation may affect the building materials market. The demand for materials will increase, the expert said. At the same time, certain import incentives are required.


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