Bank Technique posted 67.9% of the new share issue

Shares of Bank Technique for a total of 10.345 million manat were posted on BSE last Friday.

The issue of 15,245 ordinary registered non-certificated shares of nominal value of 1,000 manats passed state registration this month. According to the exchange, all the shares were sold in a single transaction (one investor). The underwriting services were provided by LLC Tekhnika Capital Management. By now there has been placed 67.9% (AZN 10.345 million) of the announced issue. According to the legislation, an issue is held in the case of placing a half of it.

Paid-in share capital of the bank, thus, reached 75.1 million manat. In the prospectus of the bank it is noted that the shareholders of Bank Technique are two legal entities (Beaford Investissements, Luxembourg - 75%, and Kazimir Caspian Fund Limited, Cayman Islands, United Kingdom - 10%) and three local individuals (Alihuseyn Asgarov, Habil Javadov and Kamran Akhundov - 15%).

Last year Tekhnika Bank went through hard times, then changing not only the name (since September the bank has been called Bank Technique), which it bore from 1998, but the two major shareholders - LLC World Wines and Etibar Aliyev (former Chairman of the Supervisory Council), who owned 75% and 15%, respectively. - 15B -


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