Caspian States Fourth Year in a Row Refused to Distribute Commercial Quota of Sturgeon Catch

In the last week in Baku was the 33rd session of the Commission on Aquatic Biological Resources of the Caspian Sea, where five Caspian littoral states once again not assigned a quota on commercial sturgeon fish species whose stocks are on the verge of exhaustion.

The meeting heard reports of the relevant structures of Fisheries littoral countries of the scientific work on the study of fish stocks, the artificial breeding of sturgeon and measures for their protection. It was decided to combine into a single document proposed by the Russian and Turkmen side projects for a moratorium on sturgeon fish species and their effective use. The draft agreement can be prepared for the next meeting of the parties to be organized by the Russian Federation.

The representative of Azerbaijan to the Commission on Aquatic Biological Resources of the Caspian Sea Tariel Mammadov said, Turan, the parties have agreed on the principles of sturgeon for scientific expeditions and supply hatchery sturgeon females in 2013.

Azerbaijan, as in previous years, with the condition can catch the return of fish in the sea in the amount of 5 tons. To provide measures for fish breeding plants can catch fish at their design capacities. However, according to Mammadov, they will not succeed, because the sea is not as many fish of reproductive age. - 08B-


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