Sales Office for Ateshgah Sigorta becomes closer to customers

The address of the Sales Office of the insurance company Ateshgah Sigorta located in the Narimanov district of Baku has changed. Located at Tabriz Street, 87, apt. 32 close to the metro Narimanov, it has become more accessible to customers, the financial structure stated.

The company, including the head office, has 12 sales offices of insurance products . Telephone for information - (012) 940.

Insurance company Ateshgah Sigorta was established in late 1996.

The insurance group Ateshgah includes OJSC Ateshgah and OJSC Ateshgah Hayat.

By the end of 2013 premiums of Ateshgah amounted to 61.23 million manat and payments - 17.76 million manat.

The insurance group Ateshgah provides customers with insurance services on more than 20 types of insurance . - 17D-


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