Secretary General of Council of Europe welcomes meeting of Aliyev and Sarkisyan

In his statement  the Secretary General Council of Europe Thornborn Jangland called on both sides to deescalate the violence:

"I welcome the meeting held in Sochi between President Aliyev of Azerbaijan, President Sargsyan of Armenia and President Putin of the Russian Federation. Following the latest armed incidents along the Line of Contact and the Armenian-Azerbaijani State border, this meeting marks a positive step towards the resuming of dialogue between the two countries.

I call on both sides to undertake all possible efforts to put an end to the escalation of violence which caused numerous victims in both countries in the recent days.

I would also like to extend my deepest sympathies to the families of the victims. There should be no place for violence between Member States parties to the ECHR which guarantees the right to life to all Europeans”, – reads the statement.-02D-

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