The authorities increase the pressure on the press

The debate on the situation of freedom of the press and speech, took place on Friday at the Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety (IRFS.)

Debates are  traditionally timed to the anniversary of the death of Elmar Huseynov, the editor of the  "Monitor" magazine. Today panelists honored  the memory of  the journalist treacherously murdered eight years  ago. 

Director of Turan news agency,  Mehman Aliyev, stated worsening  in the situation  with freedom of expression in all direction. Financial independence, disorganized distribution of the printed editions has been destroyed, violence against journalists, as well as pressure on the press through the courts have increased  considerably, and  the government started to talk more and more about the state control over the Internet.

Since the end of 2011  serious  pressure on the newspaper "Azadlig"  began, and the huge court fines are aimed at destroying this edition. At the same time, steps are being taken to eliminate the system of press distribution. This is done through new kiosks that replace kiosks "Gasid", but do not want to sell newspapers.

Aliyev  said that the government subsidize tens of millions to support online resources created by them, but the effect of this is not justified, and the authorities can not influence public opinion in a continuous growth of social activity in a virtual network of uncontrolled groups and resources.

At the same time, the attempts to take  under control  the Internet space through a commission established by the Press Council, which is controlled by the authorities, causes concern.

Editor of "Azadlig" Rahim said Hajili reality closure of the publication  due to court fines . According to him, government pressure on the newspaper increases in direct proportion to the increase in social activism and protests.   The representative of the Media Rights Institute, Khalid Agaliyev,  said that since 2005, there were more than 500 acts of violence against journalists, and only six of them have been investigated. Moreover, all these investigations concerned

pro-government journalists.

Over the past eight years  160 lawsuits were filed against journalists, half of which has led to the arrest, and the second half - to conditional punishment.

Starting in 2010, journalists have been arrested on charges such as disorderly conduct, possession and use of drugs. Thus, more than 50 journalists were convicted, he said.

The head of the IRFS, Emin Huseynov, said that a traditional action of memory  will take place on March 2 at 12:00 am at the grave of Elmar Huseynov, and in the evening it will continue in the house where he lived and was murdered. -05C- 


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