Fuad Əhmədli. Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Fuad Əhmədli. Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/18.08.20/Turan: Prison rules are unfair to political prisoners arrested for political activity and persons with low social status. Fuad Ahmedli, an activist of the Popular Front Party, who was released today, said this in an interview with Turan.

Today's penitentiary institutions in Azerbaijan operate as private shops. Money solve everything. Prisons are governed just like Azerbaijan is governed,” Ahmedli said.

About the  situation in jail N16, where he served 4 years, the activist noted:

“From the first days of my detention, I saw how the convicts were beaten with truncheons. They screamed. There, people in handcuffs were beaten and tortured, demanding that they confess what they had not done. In a number of cases, the prison authorities tortured prisoners on a bunk bed, tying two on top of each other, forcing the top to the bottom to urinate.

I saw many cases of physical violence, although there was no such form of pressure against me,” Ahmadli said.

The ombudsman's office and the International Committee of the Red Cross in a number of cases give the public biased reports on visits to prisons, he is sure.

There were no people infected with the corona virus in jail No. 16, but it is overcrowded, and you can catch any infection. During the marching inspection of 700 prisoners, no distance is observed and they stand 10-15 centimeters apart. The same distance between bunks in the barracks.

A separate problem is bribery. To get to the colony's first-aid post and stay there for a month, you have to pay 250-400 manats. You also have to pay for phone calls with your family, receiving food parcels from home and bathroom services.

Representative of the Penitentiary Service denied these accusations by Ahmedli.

“The detention in penitentiary institutions complies with the current legislation and internal regulations. The accusations of torture and bribery are false. If someone comes across such facts, they can contact the Penitentiary Service,” said a representative of this department. — 06D-


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