Media Review for April 23, 2020

Measures to combat the Corona Virus pandemic, the rules of "credit holidays", the situation in the world oil market, and problems in the field of Internet are the topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the successful fight against the pandemic in the country and the timely measures. The state has taken serious measures to improve the social protection of the population.

The website writes that “credit holidays” were not announced in Azerbaijan. The Central Bank considers “credit holidays” to be the business of commercial banks themselves and does not intervene in this matter, although it can. The situation requires operational decisions, because due to the pandemic, citizens are unable to fulfill their loan obligations.

The website discusses the situation with a sharp drop in oil prices, which fell below $ 20. There are no places for oil storage in oil storage facilities.

Arabs offer Europeans oil at a price of $ 10.3, which is extremely undesirable for Azerbaijan.

If the major players in the global oil market do not take serious steps, in the near future the price of oil will not increase.

The website discusses the situation with poor Internet quality.

The Ministry of Communications does not reflect the real situation, arguing that the reason is a malfunction of imported communication equipment.

However, the two main Internet providers, Delta Telecom and AzerTelecom, have enough backup and alternative channels.

Experts believe that problems with the Internet are connected with internal problems and local infrastructure.


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