Press Review 03.10.17

Indicators of economic development, problems of tourism in the country, and expensive prices in AZAL are the leading topics of today's press.

The Azerbaijan writes about the real results of the national development model. The correct distribution of strategic goals is one of the main factors of state development, the author notes. He calls the economic policy of President Ilham Aliyev operative and pragmatic.

In the Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum 2017-2018, Azerbaijan's rating rose, taking the 35th place, the article says. As a result of economic policy, the country's energy security was ensured.

The Echo published an article about the attitude towards foreign tourists. Most of the citizens surveyed preferred tourists from Europe, Russia and the United States. For this voted 51% of the respondents. 21% of the voters chose the option From Russia, while 10% preferred the option From the USA.

Taking into account some negativity caused by a large flow of tourists from Arab countries in Baku, 7% of the respondents chose the option Better without Tourists.

At the same time, 5% of the voters stayed on the From Arab Countries option, 3% chose From Iran, and the same number stayed on the From Other Countries option. 900 people took part in the voting.

The Novoye Vremya published an article on the bad work of AZAL.

In recent years, AZAL has developed modern airliners, built a modern airport, and finalized the online booking system. But bad management threatens this state company with a financial crisis.

AZAL, which announced changes and the desire to reduce prices for air tickets some time ago, in fact, does nothing for that.

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