Press Review 26/04/13


Official newspapers report on the meeting of labor ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The same newspaper published an article by the head of the Presidential Administration Ramiz Mehdiyev about Heydar Aliyev.


Azadlig writes about revealing the machinations of the Customs Committee in the amount of 20 million manat.

Rustam Ibrahimbekov invited the chairman of the movement Milli Birlik Lala Shovket Hajiyeva to join the National Council.

The authorities decided to send a religious figure Abgyul Suleimanov to the Gobustan prison, where he must serve the remaining six months of his term. He is known as an active fighter against the ban on wearing the hijab.



In the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, the interests of Russia and the West are not the same, writes a columnist in an article titled "Karabakh peace process - a new episode of the "cold war."


Bizim Yol writes on the withdrawal of Jalal Aliyev, uncle of the current President from the Board of the National Academy of Sciences.

In response to the allegations of official Baku on 6 million Internet users in Azerbaijan, experts say that there are only 300,000 active users. It is very small, even in comparison with the neighboring countries.


Yeni Musavat

Baku Steel Company Limited, founder of LLC Baku Steel Company, is registered in offshore zones.

Islamic Party began collecting signatures for the nomination of the convicted chairman of the party Movsum Samedov for President.

Over the past three months 31 servicemen were killed and 33 were injured. -0 -





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