The health of the blogger  who is on a dry hunger strike is critical, a lawyer

Baku/29.12.18/Turan: The health of the blogger Mehman Huseynov, who is on a hunger strike in jail N 14, is critical, said his lawyer Shahla Gumbatova. She and her colleague Fuad Agayev met with Huseynov in the jail on December 28. The lawyer said that on December 26, an investigation was launched against the blogger. He was first interrogated as a witness, and then charged under the Article 317.2 (violation of the normal activities of the institution for serving a sentence or jail) of the Criminal Code. In particular, Huseynov is charged with "the use of force against an employee of the jail, who does not represent a danger to life and health". Under this Article, Huseynov faces from 5 to 7 years in prison. On the same day, Huseynov was placed to the punishment cell, and, in protest against the unreasonable accusation, he began a hunger strike. "Mehman takes neither food nor water. Mehman Huseynov denies the accusation. He said that the jail employee himself fell to the floor and started shouting that "he hit me," said the lawyer. According to her, Huseynov"s health has deteriorated dramatically. "Mehman could not walk on his own, he was very weak," the lawyer said. Lawyers insistently asked him to drink at least water. However, he categorically refused, saying: "Either this illegal case will be stopped, or I will starve to death." Mehman Huseynov wrote letters to Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova, President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva in protest against the lawlessness against him. Letters in the presence of lawyers were submitted to the administration of jail N 14. Mehman Huseynov was arrested in March 2017 and sentenced to 2 years in prison under a libel suit filed by the head of the Nasimi police. On the eve he was charged with a new charge of beating a jail employee. Human rights activists are convinced that Huseynov is being persecuted for exposing corruption among high-ranking officials, as well as criticizing the authorities. -03B06--

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