Ali Hasanov "Discovered" America


   In today's issue of the newspaper "Yeni Musavat" there is a great interview with the chief ideologue of the authorities, Ali Hasanov. Among other ideas, Hasanov suddenly announced the intention of the authorities to start a dialogue with civil society and opposition.

   As always, the power in the face of Hasanov tries to present all the positives as its own initiative and goodwill.

   Remarkably, until now political parties, civil society and journalists have repeatedly appealed to the government and personally to the head of state with such proposals, but were ignored. Suffice it to recall, the Roadmap for the transition to democracy, prepared by the Public Chamber, with a package of proposals to support and develop the media and others.

   Another initiative came from the former U.S. ambassador to Baku, Matthew Bryza. He personally and repeatedly talked with President Ilham Aliyev on the need to establish dialogue with civil society, and received support for his initiative. Moreover, they even agreed on the list of persons whom Aliyev promised to receive and discuss topical issues.

  Further, the initiative group was asked to contact the same Ali Hasanov and to conduct preliminary discussions before meeting with Aliyev himself.  But this never took place. Ali Hasanov only limited it to a talk on the phone with the coordinator of the initiative group of civil society.

   Now, after more than six months, Hasanov puts it all as his own personal initiative, and probably will present all this as a sign of good will of the authorities.

   To this, we should add that the most topical themes for discussion between the authorities and the civil society, according to Bryza's version, are corruption and economic and political reforms.

  As for the previous experience of "dialogue" with the authorities, it was reduced to the ruling party’s representative coming to present the opposition a lecture on how good the opportunities in the country are and how ungrateful the opposition is. So far, none of such undertakings of the authorities have given real results, as they originally were of formal character. 




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