- Want to say
- 9 February 2010, 22:15
- 52
Very few people in the South Caucasus do not understand the importance of commonly adopted values, which are violated by the ruling elites of the region, particularly in Azerbaijan and Armenia. According to all international ratings and indices, these countries rank first among the countries the heads of which violate human rights and civil freedoms.
On October 7, 2010 in Potsdam, the heads of three opposition parties of South Caucasus signed a Declaration uniting the intentions of the sides to establish democracy in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia; but most prefer not to notice it.
But the event which has taken place can be considered a sensation having far going consequences for the South Caucasian region and its people which are tired of falsification and violence. The head of Musavat party Isa Gambar, head of Georgia"s Republican Party David Usupashvili, head of the Board of Armenian Common National Movement Aram Manukian signed a document after consultations lasting for an hour, and patiently made amendments to the basic text of declaration.
All Caucasian participants of the seminar "The road to peace in the South Caucasus: Property-Freedom-Welfare" participated in the development t of the document. Discussions , compromises and finding definitions uniting in a document specific interests of sides, showed maturity and readiness of long-livers to the long-term joint activity.
By representing the liberal ideology the sides made an accent on such basic principles, as the right for life, personal freedom and quality before the law, inviolability of property and free market economy, and transparency of state governing.
Very few people in the South Caucasus do not understand the importance of commonly adopted values, which are violated by the ruling elites of the region, particularly in Azerbaijan and Armenia. According to all international ratings and indices, these countries rank first among the countries the heads of which violate human rights and civil freedoms.
Declaration which has given start to new phase of historical development of the region, has been demanded by societies of the three countries, and will be supported more, than initiatives of those who call to war and restriction of freedoms.
It can be seem strange that political leaders have signed the declaration in the pace which is called "Trumen"s villa", where in 1945 American president stated to participate in the Potsdam peaceful conference. South-Caucasian Declaration is not a Potsdam post-war treatment; it is something close to its ideas.
Potsdam declaration is only first step to the peaceful and democratic future of South Caucasus. It will be soon followed by new steps. All hurry because they understand that the have come to the 21st century with stones in their bosom, and they should get rig of them.
Mehman Aliyev
- Politics
- 9 February 2010 12:21
- Markets Review
- 10 February 2010 04:50
Want to say
Russian authorities and pro-Kremlin influencers have been spreading false information about alleged Reporters Without Borders (RSF) research into Nazi tendencies within the Ukrainian military, which was featured in a viral video falsely attributed to the BBC. RSF exposes the inner workings of a disinformation campaign designed to justify President Vladimir Putin's war narrative.
I welcome respected media representatives, professional and honest journalists from places of detention. July 22 is an important day for journalists, mass media and teachers of Azerbaijan. 149 years ago, Hassan Bey Zardabi, the great educator, the most valuable thinker, the founder of our journalism, lit the first light for society to come out of darkness, giving humanity the newspaper “AKINCI.”
The past day has not clarified the question of why the meeting between Aliyev and Pashinyan in London on July18 broke down. The announcement of the upcoming meeting was made a week ago from Armenian sources, and Baku was silent about the upcoming meeting.
I stand firmly in support of President Ilham Aliyev's vision for Azerbaijan's future.
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