The Institute for Democratic Initiatives (IDI) issued a report on the results of monitoring of municipal elections on December 23.
The monitoring was conducted by a random check on 60 polling stations in 15 constituencies.
The monitoring was conducted in two directions: the opening of polling stations, the voting, counting and recording results; as well as monitoring the constituents and activity information to appear at 10:00, 12:00, 15:00, 17:00 and 19:00.
Before the election, the IDI spent 15 trainings for independent observers with the participation of 78 members of IDI and volunteers.
It was recorded that in 9.5% of the stations preparation for voting did not start on time;
7.1% of ballots were not counted or sealed;
In 16.7% of the stations ballots were counted, but their number was not announced;
In 14.3% of the stations there was no test for ink and ultraviolet lamps to mark the fingers;
In 21.4% of the stations marking voters' fingers with ultraviolet lamps was not checked;
In 33.3% of the stations issuing ballots to citizens who signed under the names of other persons was recorded;
On the same number of sites violation of the secrecy of voting was reported;
In 52.4% of the stations facts of proxy voting were revealed.
In addition, in 66.7% of the sites there was stuffing packets into ballot boxes.
In 16.7% of the stations facts of pressure on voters were recorded;
Observers also witnessed that in 28.6% of the stations more than one person was allowed into the voting booths;
At 31.0% of the stations the police were closer than 100 meters;
When counting votes at 47.6% of the stations the principle of continuity of the process was violated;
At 64.3% of the stations the vote count was carried outside the room for voting;
At 64.3% of the stations the protocols approved with seals and signatures were not posted;
At 38.1% of the stations interference of other persons in the vote count and tabulation was recorded.
The observers’ data on the turnout do not coincide with the official data of the CEC.
According to IDI, the turnout was 20.05%, while the CEC announced 37.45%.
This gives reason to believe IDI that during the voting a "carousel" was conducted.
Therefore, the CEC report on the participation of 38.93% of voters is questionable.
Based on the foregoing, the IDI believes that low turnout was due to the lack of competition in the elections, distrust of public opinion, electoral fraud, serious obstacles to opposition and independent candidates, low confidence in the fairness of the elections, low credibility of the local self-government, and non-fulfillment of international obligations on increasing the independence of municipalities.
The summary and recommendations noted that the election atmosphere in the country was not conducive to the holding of free and democratic elections, and shortcomings in the area of freedom of the press, assembly and association have not been removed yet.
On the contrary, the election was conducted in an atmosphere of repression - arrests of political and civil society activists, human rights defenders, journalists and bloggers.
The elections were held, in fact, with no alternative.
No recommendations were adopted from ODIHR or the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe on improving election practices and legislation. In contrast, the laws have been made reactionary amendments.
Numerous violations on the voting day and multiple voting by the same people, massive ballot box stuffing, serious irregularities in the vote counting and recording cast doubt on the results and legitimacy of the election.
Therefore the elections on December 23 are considered non-free, unfair, non-transparent and undemocratic.
IDI recommends immediately to investigate complaints, put an end to repression, release political prisoners, take measures to increase citizens' confidence, raise the status of municipalities, create municipalities in the capital and other major cities, respect fundamental freedoms, improve electoral practices and legislation in line with the recommendations of the Venice Commission.
* IDI was created on November 5, 2013 by a group of lawyers and public figures.
The NGO has repeatedly appealed for the state registration in the Ministry of Justice, but was refused. IDI appealed the actions of the Ministry of Justice in court. The question is considered by the courts. Akif Gurbanov heads IDI. -06D--
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