National Council mass rally. Archive

National Council mass rally. Archive

Due to the time difference between the US and Azerbaijan I saw right now the video material disseminated on social media excerpted from the video conference of the National Council via ZOOM.

Before I will touch on that obtaining this video is cybercrime I should note that in the video conference while discussing Eldaniz Guliyev’s post being of harmful character, certain members of the National Council Coordination Centre use certain words against LGBT members that are not acceptable Unfortunately, the video has not been fully shown. If the video fully appeared, it would be clear that such unacceptable words, in particular those expressed by Rafig Manafli was harshly criticized in the course of the conference and paid his attention that such words are inconsistent with the principles of the National Council.

In turn, the vast majority of the Coordination Centre members expressed their dissatisfaction with such lexicon. During the conference not only Eldaniz Guliyev’s post was harshly criticized but also Rafig Manafly was informed that his words are of anti humanist and anti democratic character and defective in the sense of morality.

In the course of the conference we once more stated that the National Council defends the fundamental rights of all the citizens regardless of their national, ethnic, religious, racial, sexual affiliation such as LGBT community and gives priority to these principles in its presence.

We should further inform you that when the crackdown launched against LGBT community several years ago, the National Council openly condemned this oppression and stated that the interference with the private life of citizens is unacceptable.

This act is cybercrime committed beyond doubt by the government. Under the normal circumstances the government who committed such crime had to resign and would be accountable before law. Нowever, the cybercrime does not justify such lexicon, nor reduce the responsibility of those who are represented in the National Council. Accordingly, we continue the discussion in this respect, as a result of which adequate steps will be taken and the public will be informed about the results.  

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