Bakı.2013.Fəvarilər meydanı.

Bakı.2013.Fəvarilər meydanı.

Investigative journalist Afgan Mukhtarly, taking refuge in Georgia, was kidnapped by the authorities of Azerbaijan. Recently, he repeatedly stated that he was followed. Afgan was a journalist who investigated the corruption of the upper echelon of the Azerbaijani authorities, and, in fact, in the Afghan kidnapping regime, for which theft, robbery, bribery became commonplace, there is nothing surprising. Because we in our country have repeatedly witnessed the kidnapping critical journalists, representatives of civil society, bloggers and politicians, driving cars over them, shooting them at point-blank range, as people under investigation are tortured to death in concentration camps. Actually, these criminal acts are the essence of the Azerbaijani authorities.

However, it is surprising that Afgan was kidnapped where he took refugee, in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, and the authorities of this country, which claims to accede to European values, preparing to become a member of the European Union and having a visa-free regime with the countries of the latter, directly participated in this Abduction. Yesterday different leading Georgian officials made contradictory statements. But only one thing was not clarified: how could the Border Guard Service of Georgia be able to pass a person (not a thing in the basket, namely a person) who does not have an identity card, a passport? But it was about kidnapping, smuggling of people. The authorities of the country, which has international obligations to protect human rights and consider itself the leading state in the region, not only remained indifferent to the kidnapping of a critic journalist by Azerbaijani criminal and repressive authorities, but were directly involved in the process of kidnapping.

Undoubtedly, in itself Border Service could not pass through the border illegally kidnapped person without any documents. At one time, even meat traders importing livestock from Georgia acknowledged that it is impossible to carry stolen cattle across the Georgian border, since a separate questionnaire with the relevant data is being filled out for each animal on the border-customs area. In this case, as could, being more sensitive to the geese who saved Rome, the Georgian border and customs service so easily "miss" the kidnapping of the journalist. This could happen only on the direct orders of the Georgian authorities and probably, it happened. Until now, the Georgian Border Guard Service has not clarified why and for what purpose with such "ease" missed the stolen person across the border.

A border guards, customs, law enforcement bodies and special services of Azerbaijan simply create samples of illegal actions, which place in the world's books. They kidnapped a person from the capital of a neighboring country who has neither a foreign passport nor any other documents, very easily "carried" a person without documents through the border, customs service of a foreign country as a "stolen goods" and at the border crossing of Azerbaijan they arrested him as a border violator. In addition, in the pocket of a journalist with only 2 lari, and "generously", gave him 10 thousand euros, so that he could be accused of smuggling. According to the lawyer, during these processes the journalist was subjected to painful tortures. And it is possible that as a result of these tortures his ribs were broken. Taking it into consideration, law enforcement agencies have put forward against Afgan the third charge - resistance to the employees of the authorities, that is, those who directly kidnapped him in Tbilisi. Such absurd "legal" detective can be found only in a mafia movie.

Undoubtedly, kidnapping the journalist-critic Afgan Mukhtarly in Tbilisi, the inexplicable arrest of the physician Professor Farman Ceyranly, the detention on the far-fetched charge on the border between Georgia and Azerbaijan of the deputy chairman of the PFPA, member of the Coordination Center of the National Council Gözal Bayramli, a sudden "suicide" in the temporary correctional institution of the blogger Mehman Galandarov arrested after returning to the country from Tbilisi, where he lived for some time - all these are different episodes of the same percent PAS and with few exceptions, the process of criminal- corrupt Azerbaijani authorities and is based on "human values," the Georgian leadership are working together.

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