Another scandal involving sex, and again it concerns the leading opposition newspaper, through one of the chiefs of the paper Azadlig.
Fаcebook users suddenly received video images of intimacy between a man and a woman in an apartment; at least two cameras were filming in order to present the participants in a negative light.
This event can be assessed from several points of view: moral/ethical, technical, political, and probably legal. Of course, from the moral point of view, it is bad for a married man to have sex with other women. But is it a rare event? Do hundreds prostitutes every day serve only single men? Is it a secret that a great number of brothels exist under the cover of law enforcement authorities?
And here we are come to the second and more interesting angle - the technical. Who could install two secret cameras in the apartment, and know what would happen there? It is not realistic to assume that it was done by family members. So, somebody was spying on him, and those who took the images knew where and when the partners would go. Only the law enforcement bodies, who watch members of the opposition, famous journalists and human rights activists could do it. They follow their correspondence, tap their telephone conversations, and their private life is not a secret to the authorities.
The next question is - why do the authorities need to do this? They need it for this: so that the employees of opposition newspapers should not forget that the authorities will take revenge for criticism, and will use the worst methods.
The case of the journalist Agil Khalil and many other journalists, who have been kidnapped, beaten and humiliated, show that the authorities use the dirtiest and meanest methods of pressure.
As to the legal aspect of the matter, it is open invasion of private life, which is a violation of law. It is a very common method of political struggle used around the world. But nobody has a right to violate the sanctity of the home.
And now to look at morality- in this country the daughter of one minister lived with an Armenian man in London; the wife of another minister left her husband and ran away with a fitness coach. Another minister has two wives, and children with both of them. One of his daughters married the son of the deputy chairman of the Russian Customs, a Russian.
Many representatives of the ruling elite have not only lovers, but escort agencies which serve them and their guests. It is possible to meet in the nightclubs in the center and suburbs of Baku famous people surrounded by prostitutes. It is enough to remember scandals associated with inspections conducted some years ago by the Interior Ministry and whom they detained. And what happened? Did society reject them? Was anybody punished? No!
And what about show-business stars! Their personal lives are a favorite theme for TV viewers and the greater part of society: who they sleep with, and so on.
My goal is not to condemn anyone; but the organizers of this provocation should not think that they have managed to do what they want, or that they can manipulate public opinion, and most importantly - they should not try to silence the press.


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